Dairy Shelving

SKU: Counter Shelving

Dairy Shelving

Size: 850mm(H) x 930(W) x 300(D), single sided, Colour: cream.

Unit Weight (KG): )28kg / starter bay, 25kg / addon bay

Description: Single sided with 4 shelves (1 base and 3 layers), including 4 price tags & 4 front fences.

Price (GST Excl.):
Cream: $233.91/ starter bay, $216.52 / addon bay;
$33.43 / extra layer. Side fence, $26.08 each


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Size: 1200mm(H) x 730(W) x 400(D), single sided, Colour: cream.

Unit Weight (KG): 25kg / starter bay, 23kg / addon bay

Description: Single sided with 4 shelves (1 base and 3 layers), including 4 price tags & 4 fences.

Price (GST Excl.):
Cream: $260/ starter bay, $242.61 / addon bay;
$33.43 / extra layer.


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz


Size:1200mm(H) x 730(W) x 800(D), single sided, Colour: cream.

Unit Weight (KG): 38kg / starter bay, 35kg / addon bay

Description: Single sided with 4 shelves (1 base and 3 layers), including 4 price tags & 4 fences.

Price (GST Excl.):
Cream: $373.04/ starter bay, $355.65 / addon bay;
$33.43 / extra layer.


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz



Size: 1500mm(H) x 900(W) x 450(D), single sided, Colour: cream / Black.

Unit Weight (KG): 39kg / starter bay, 33kg / addon bay

Description: Single sided with 4 shelves (1 base and 3 layers), including 4 price tags & 4 fences.

Price (GST Excl.):
Cream: $288.70 / starter bay, $271.31 / addon bay, $303.70 /end bay;
Black: $288.70 / starter bay, $271.31 / addon bay, $303.70 /end bay;
$34.30 / extra layer.


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz



Size: 1500mm(H) x 900(W) x 900(D), Double sided, Cream / Black

Unit Weight (KG): 67kg / starter bay, 59kg / addon bay

Description: Double sided with 8 shelves (2 bases & 6 layers), including 8 price tags and 8 fences.

Price (GST Excl.):

Cream: $456.52/ starter bay, $439.13 / addon bay, 2 bases+6 layers

$34.30/ extra layer. $11.50 / 30cm Extention


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz


Size: 1500mm(H) x 900(W) x 450(D), single sided, Colour: cream

Unit Weight (KG): 39kg / starter bay, 33kg / addon bay

Description: Single sided with 4 shelves (1 base and 3 layers), including 4 price tags & 4 fences.

Price (GST Excl.):
$288.70 / starter bay, $271.31 / addon bay, $303.70 /end bay;
$34.30 / extra layer.


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz


Size: 1500mm(H) x 900(W) x 900(D), Double sided, Black

Unit Weight (KG): 67kg / starter bay, 59kg / addon bay

Description: Double sided with 8 shelves (2 bases & 6 layers), including 8 price tags and 8 fences.

Price (GST Excl.): $456.52/ starter bay, $439.13 / addon bay, 2 bases+6 layers
$34.30 / extra layer. $11.50 / 30cm Extention


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz

SKU: AF02S / AF02E



1800mm(H) x 1200(W) x 500(D), single sided,  AF02S, White

1800mm(H) x 900(W) x 450(D), single sided, AF02E / BRT1800S, white or black

2100mm(H) x 900(W) x 450(D), single sided, CRS2100 / BRT2100S, white / Black

Unit Weight (KG): 58kg / starter bay, 49kg / addon bay

Description: Single sided with 5 shelves (1 base & 4 layers), including 5 price tags & 5 fences.

Price (GST Excl.):

AF02S: $338.26 / starter bay, $320.87 / add on bay, $37.78 / extra layer.

AF02E / BRT1800S: $320.87 / starter bay, $303.48 / add on bay, $34.30 / extra layer.

CRS2100/BTR2100S: $338.26 / starter bay, $320.87 / add on bay, $34.30 / extra layer.

Acrylic shelf divider: $5.22 each

Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz


Size: 1800mm(H) x 900(W) x 450(D), single sided, AF02E, Cream

Unit Weight (KG): 48kg / starter bay, 45kg / addon bay

Description: : Single sided with 5 shelves (1 base & 4 layers), including 5 price tags & 5 fences.

Price (GST Excl.): $320.87 / starter bay, $303.48 / add on bay, $34.30 / extra layer.


Shop online now at www.affordableracking.co.nz

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